latent heat of vaporization

latent heat of vaporization
1. скрытая теплота парообразования

vaporization heat — теплота парообразования

vaporization rate — скорость парообразования

heat of vaporization — теплота парообразования

molal heat of vaporization — мольная теплота испарения

vaporization efficiency — эффективность парообразования

2. теплота испарения

vaporization loss — потеря от испарения

vaporization cooling — охлаждение испарением

equilibrium vaporization — равновесное испарение

The English-Russian dictionary general scientific. 2015.

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Смотреть что такое "latent heat of vaporization" в других словарях:

  • latent heat of vaporization — h. of vaporization …   Medical dictionary

  • Latent Heat of Vaporization —   The quantity of heat produced to change a unit weight of a liquid to vapor with no change in temperature …   Energy terms

  • latent heat of vaporization — Amount of heat required, per pound of substance, to change its state from a liquid to a vapor (gas) …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • latent heat — Physics. heat absorbed or radiated during a change of phase at constant temperature and pressure. Cf. heat of fusion, heat of vaporization. [1750 60] * * * Characteristic amount of energy absorbed or released by a substance during a change in… …   Universalium

  • Latent heat — In thermochemistry, latent heat is the amount of energy in the form of heat released or absorbed by a substance during a change of phase state(i.e. solid, liquid, or gas), ndash; also called a phase transition.cite book | author=Perrot, Pierre |… …   Wikipedia

  • latent heat — n heat given off or absorbed in a process (as fusion or vaporization) other than a change of temperature * * * the amount of heat absorbed or given off by a body without changing temperature, as when it undergoes a change of state …   Medical dictionary

  • heat of vaporization — noun heat absorbed by a unit mass of a material at its boiling point in order to convert the material into a gas at the same temperature • Syn: ↑heat of vaporisation • Hypernyms: ↑latent heat, ↑heat of transformation * * * : heat absorbed when a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • latent heat — noun heat absorbed or radiated during a change of phase at a constant temperature and pressure • Syn: ↑heat of transformation • Hypernyms: ↑heat, ↑heat energy • Hyponyms: ↑heat of condensation, ↑heat of fusion, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • heat of vaporization — Physics. the heat absorbed per unit mass of a given material at its boiling point that completely converts the material to a gas at the same temperature: equal to the heat of condensation. Cf. latent heat. * * * …   Universalium

  • heat of vaporization — the enthalpy change at constant temperature and pressure in converting a unit amount of a substance from the liquid to the gas state, usually specified in cal/g or cal/mol. Called also latent h. of vaporization …   Medical dictionary

  • Specific Latent Heat of Fusion — is the energy needed to convert 1 kg of a substance from solid or to liquid without a change in its temperature.Specific Latent Heat of Vaporization is the energy needed to convert 1 kg of a substance from solid or liquid to a gas (vaporizating)… …   Wikipedia

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